
Legal Insight: Understanding the CCPT’s Order Against MultiChoice Nigeria Limited  

On April 29, 2024, the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal (CCPT) in Abuja issued an ex parte order preventing MultiChoice Nigeria Limited (“MultiChoice”) from increasing tariffs on its DStv and GOtv packages. These price adjustments were scheduled to take effect on May 1, 2024, with MultiChoice citing rising operational costs as the reason for the hike. Despite this order, MultiChoice proceeded with the tariff increase, challenging the enforceability of the CCPT’s directives. 

Understanding Role and Authority of the CCPT 

The CCPT, established under Section 39 of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Act (FCCPA), adjudicates issues relating to the FCCPA’s application. The CCPT’s responsibilities include: 

  • Hearing appeals from or reviewing decisions of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC). 
  • Reviewing decisions concerning competition and consumer protection matters from sector-specific regulatory authorities. 
  • Issuing necessary orders under the FCCPA and making rulings or orders incidental to the performance of its functions under the FCCPA.   

Legality and Binding Nature of CCPT Orders 

The CCPT’s orders are legally binding and enforceable through registration with the Federal High Court. Non-compliance is contemptuous and can lead to severe penalties, underlining the importance of adhering to these orders. 

Consequences of MultiChoice’s Non-Compliance 

  1. Legal and Operational Risks: MultiChoice’s disregard for the CCPT’s order could result in significant legal challenges, including potential penalties and damage to its defense. 
  1. Reputational Damage: Non-compliance could damage MultiChoice’s reputation, affecting consumer trust and investor confidence. 
  1. Regulatory Implications: This case serves as a litmus test for the FCCPA and the CCPT’s ability to enforce regulations, potentially setting a precedent for future regulatory actions. 

Implications for the Market and Consumers 

The enforcement of this order is crucial for maintaining fair market practices and protecting consumer rights. 

Appeal Process 

MultiChoice, like any other entity, can appeal CCPT decisions within thirty (30) days to the Court of Appeal, providing an avenue for further legal scrutiny and validation of the CCPT’s rulings.  

Navigating Regulatory Challenges with SimmonsCooper Partners 

As developments continue to unfold in the MultiChoice and CCPT scenario, understanding the intricacies of this legal situation is crucial for businesses operating within regulated environments. SimmonsCooper Partners is committed to providing up-to-date insights and strategic advice on navigating these regulatory landscapes. Our team of experts are here to offer guidance and support tailored to the specifics of CCPT regulations and proceedings. 

For specialized advice, please reach out to us at or visit our website at for expert legal support.  

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